Saturday, August 20, 2016

Announcing the User-Upgradeable Razer OSVR Hacker Dev Kit v1.4

Have you ever wanted to create your own app or game? Well now you can. With the recent release of VR headsets and content, VR is here and it’s a technology that’s poised to shake things up. The Razer OSVR Hacker Dev Kit v1.4 is an open-source virtual reality headset designed to be user upgradeable. All of the schematics and drawings are available online for download so you can even build your own or improve existing designs. VR enthusiasts and developers will be able to swap key components in the Hacker Dev Kit (HDK) like optics, displays, and faceplates to get the experience they want. Thus, you'll always be up-to-date without having to buy a new headset.
Open Source Virtual Reality (OSVR), is an ecosystem designed to be an open standard for virtual reality input devices and is supported by many industry leaders. The main module of the HDK is a headset composed of a faceplate module, main board, display module, lenses, and an HMD mechanical module. The front IR faceplate, paired with a 100 Hz IR camera, will track movements; however, you'll still need a compatible controller to further complete the VR experience. Used in conjunction with the belt box module, which assists with cable management and provides additional connectivity, you'll be able to experience virtual reality content such as games, videos, and more. Please note that this is a developer's kit and will require technical know-how to use.

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